Lighthouse Bible Study

Lighthouse Website Of Truth


Psalms 119: 105 (amp)

105 your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Spirit Soul & Body Bible Lesson


Bible Lesson On Spirit Soul And Body

There are many Christian believers who try to feel like a Christian by feeling spiritual. They believe that if they can feel like  a believer then they are what the Bible say they are. The truth of the matter that you will never be able to feel spiritual (like a believing Christian). However, through your faith in what the Bible says about you, you really don’t need to feel like a believer, you know you are a believer because your faith in what the Bible says about you. But many believers have a problem with this because we live in this world by our five senses. That is seeing, tasting, touching, smelling, and hearing. With these five sentences we communicate with the world however when we communicate with the Lord God must be done through our faith in spiritual means. God communicates with us spirit to spirit. God does not communicate with our flesh so therefore we will not be able to feel God’s presence but through our faith we can perceive is presence. The Bible tells us that we should give up our carnal nature (that is using our five senses instead of using faith) so that we do not rely upon our feelings to know that we know that we are believing Christians. God does mention Spirit Soul and Body in the word of God.


1 Thessalonians 5:23 (KJV 1900)

23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.


How God Created Our Bodies


The first thing I want to talk about is something that I have already said on this website before but because we are talking about spirit soul and body, I must mention this again. If you haven’t read before, you may find the words written on this website somewhat redundant where they are repeated more than once. The reason for the redundancy and the way things are written on this website and the reason for it, is because many things in the Scriptures must be repeated to let you know that they also have something to do with another topic as well as a different topic as well. The Bible is written that way. Regardless of the topic you are talking about, many times you will be using the same Scriptures to explain that topic and another topic as well. This website is no different and sometimes it may sound redundant to you but what I want you to pay attention to is the context of which the words are used in Scripture as well. So with that said let us first talk about, what is a human being?

The first thing you must understand, is that God made every human being in his image and his likeness. Which means we had God’s nature before man committed sin (transgression or rebellion against God). So, I say again, what is a human being? A human being is a humus man (a body made of dust). A man is a spirit inside of a humus body. I hope my words did not confuse you. I will explain it to you better. First I will show you the words in the Bible and then I will explain them to you.


Genesis 2:7 (AMP)
7 Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath or spirit of life, and man became a living Soul.


And so, God created a human being of which is a Spirit inside of a Body with a Soul. The way that spirit soul and body work together is somewhat complicated if you don’t understand it. But once you understand how they work, it becomes easy for you to understand and also that understanding will help you to be a better fruitful Christian believer. First God formed your body from the dust of the earth and the water (the midst). Once your body was formed, then God breathed his spirit of life in two your lifeless of body and man (spirit) became a living soul. So what is a soul? It is said that your soul is your will, your emotions, the way you think, what you like in your dislikes and the way you feel. As you can see there are no two souls on earth that is the same and that is to the glory of God. The only part of you that is visible to you or anyone, is your body. Your spirit and your soul will never be seen by you or anyone. They are eternally invisible but they exist and they are more real than your body itself. Let me explain. Your body will grow old and die one day. Your soul in your spirit will never ever die. They will live on forever long after your body has rotted and turn to dust. However there is a strange connection between your body, your soul in your spirit. And I will explain them now. There are no two people alive on earth and when talking about different souls, the most thing you will notice that is different about people is there philosophies and their worldviews.


Your Body


First, I will explain your body. Your body functions biologically. Your body needs air (oxygen), water and food. So does every cell that makes up your body also needs air, water and food. Your body also is subject to disease and sickness which can sometimes get so bad that you can die. Your body feels pain if it is punctured by a knife or another sharp instrument. Your body can also feel pain from a blunt instrument such as a bat or a stick. Your body can feel someone touching you as well. Everything that touches your body is not painful. Your body can feel touch that is pleasurable to you such as if you were a man, the touch of a woman will give you pleasure. And if you’re a woman, the touch of a man will give you pleasure. In any case whether you are straight or a homosexual, all touch does not mean pain. Your body means a lot to you, so you must take care of it. Because it was created to last a long time but not for eternity. Let me tell you what God says about how your body was made.


Psalm 139:14-16 (KJV)
14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. 15 My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secretand curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.


This Scripture tells you of the marvelous and wonderful way that God created your human body. No Doctor alive understands everything of how the human body functions and why we die. Doctors still study how the human body works and every time they find out they marveled at what they find out about how God created the human body. Any doctor should know, once they have studied the human body, that our bodies could not have been made by accident through evolution. Not only that God create you wonderfully and marvelously but God gave you a purpose for your existence. You are not a cosmic accident. Your life actually has a great deal of meaning then you will ever know if you do not seek to know it. And you can only know it from the one that created you and that somewhat is God himself. You’re probably thinking right now as you read this, how can I know God? Well, if you have been reading this website, you are ready know how to know God. All that is needed now is you confess your sins to God and repent of your sins and God will forgive you and make you one of his children and once that is done, God will give you everlasting life. As I have said before on this website, real death is separation from God, so if God gives you everlasting life that means that means you will not be separated from God, but you will spend eternity with God. And that’s what everlasting life means.


Your Soul

You read how you can see your body and how your body can feel pain and how your body is subject to disease and sickness that can sometimes take your life. And you know that your body is only temporal part of life because it does not last but for a short time. In your body can leave here through your death at any time. So that makes your body temporal existence just like everything else on this planet called Earth. But your soul is different from your body. Your soul can feel pain as well as your body. The difference with the pain that your body feels and that just sold feels is the time in the healing that takes place in the body and the soul. Healing takes place in the body when a cut stops bleeding and is wrapped in a Band-Aid then the body can start to heal. But with the soul it is different. When your soul is hurt, it does not bleed and it does not need a Band-Aid and unlike the body it doesn’t heal in a matter of days or weeks or months. Sometimes it takes years to heal your soul. When your body heals, the physical healing can be seen in the pain will not be felt anymore but there’s a part of you, your soul of which was still feel the pain of that experience you had in your body. And you may feel that pain in your body for years and that is called unforgiveness. Unforgiveness lives in your soul. Unforgiveness can destroy your whole life if you allow it to. Many people’s lives have been destroyed because they never forgave another human being who has hurt them with words or even a physical experience. Unforgiveness is very difficult to not only understand but to also get rid of it. There is one extremely important thing about unforgiveness that I must mention on this page. It is something that God himself is truly concerned about.

Matthew 18:35 (KJV)
35 So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses.


Mark 11:25-26 (AMP)
25  And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him and let it drop (leave it, let it go), in order that your Father Who is in heaven may also forgive you your [own] failings and shortcomings and let them drop.
26 But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your failings and shortcomings.


This Bible Study Was Written By Andrew Womack Ministries 

And It Is Taught By Kenneth Williams 


This Bible study on spirit soul and body has 23 different lessons. Each lesson pertains to the topic of the spirit, soul and body. There are also three different short videos that is an animated version of Andrew Womack explaining spirit body and soul. These videos will be shown at different times during the teaching of the 23 lessons. Each lesson has a small introduction from me, and an outline, discipleship questions and descriptors that you study which contain the answers to the discipleship questions. The answers to the questions will not be posted on the same webpage but they will be posted on another webpage and when the lesson is completed you will have the option to click on the page to see whether you got the discipleship questions right or wrong.


Below is listed all the lessons from 1 to 23. Just click on a lesson that you want to study and you would be brought to that lesson recording.


Lesson # 1   God’s Mirror (the Bible is God’s mirror that you should see a reflection of yourself rather it is good or bad.)


Lesson # 2   All Things New (every new believer should have undergone a change in the way they think and act.)


Lesson # 3   The Pivot Point (the pivot point shows the difference between living in the following the Holy Spirit or following the flesh.)


Lesson # 4   Renew, Acknowledge & Experience (every believer should have a renewed mind, acknowledge that you are a three-part being in heaven experienced new things because it.)


Lesson # 5   Reality – Carnal or Spiritual (do you live by faith do you live by your five senses)


Lesson # 6   Righteous & Holy (although you have had righteousness imputed to you, you should live according to the spirit.)


Lesson # 7   One with Jesus (the Bible tells us that in this world we are just like Jesus was.)


Lesson # 8   Sealed! (It is the Holy Spirit as seals your redemption.)


Lesson # 9   Eternal redemption (when you are born again and you have been redeemed your redemption is eternal.)


Lesson # 10 Standard Gospel Questions (even though God has forgiven all sins past present and future, we are to repent from all sin. Although total repentance cannot be accomplished but is your heart that tell the difference.)


Lesson # 11 Once Saved, Always Saved or Born Again, Again? (Once you are saved, you are always saved unless you yourself decide to reject God and go your way. And some who believe they are saved but there never was because they relied upon their works.)


Lesson # 12 Fullness Received (it is said that you do not have to ask for forgiveness every time you sin but many believers asked for forgiveness so that they may live in the knowledge of peace and not condemnation but with sin sometimes will cause a person to live in condemnation.)


Lesson # 13 God’s Supernatural Faith (when it comes to faith the Bible tells us that all we need is a little bit of faith. I would have to say that if your faith is not contaminated by unbelief and I believe that you have supernatural faith which can only come from God. In your faith does not waver from unbelief to belief and not doubt to unbelief.)


Lesson # 14 Like Precious Faith (your faith in the cross is the precious faith)


Lesson # 15 Your Spirit Knows All Things (the spirit of Christ which is the Holy Spirit knows all things)


Lesson # 16 Releasing the mind of Christ (as you study God’s word you will gain much wisdom about life and yourself and many other things you do not understand)


Lesson # 17 Empowerment Required (God has given you empowerment through his grace to do all that he called you to accomplish in your life)


Lesson # 18 Spirit Vs Flesh (you must learn to walk in the spirit because you cannot accomplish anything in the flesh because the flesh is powerless)


Lesson # 19 Walk in the Spirit (the Bible says to walk in the spirit in you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh)


Lesson # 20 The Impossible Life (to live the impossible life that is a life without sin, your mind must be renewed in the word of God and you must have a genuine relationship that you may live in impossible life that can only be live through the Lord God)


Lesson # 21 Releasing your true Identity. (You must know your true identity in Christ in order to fulfill the purpose and plan that God has for you)


Lesson # 22 Mind Your Spirit (we must follow the leading of the Spirit that we may do many things that only the spirit of God could do through us)


Lesson # 23 Time To Leave! (Now you can walk in peace, the peace that only the Lord God can give you and you should spend as much time as you can and draw closer to God as you can. This will prepare you for anything in your life.)



God’s Mirror

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